Thursday, March 08, 2007

Fusion Applications - I Think I’m Beginning To Get It

Now that E-Business Release 12 is available and I’ve been able to play with it a bit (thank you, Solution Beacon, for the nifty public R12 Vision instance). While exploring R12, I’ve been revisiting the concept that R12 is an iteration on the path to Fusion Applications…and I think I'm finally beginning to get it.

The new features in R12 seem to focus on introducing new functionality important to business users. Yes, I know that R12 is the first release to run on Fusion Middleware. Nevertheless, the value proposition for moving to R12 seems to revolve around whether or not your business finds compelling value in the new business functionality.

In contrast to the value proposition message for R12, the present buzz on Fusion Applications makes me think that those applications will appeal more to those organizations that prioritize movement toward SOA, web services, and other evolving technologies. Essentially, Fusion Applications will leverage the Fusion Middleware technology to a greater degree – probably at the cost of less pre-defined business functionality out of the box (this latter point is strictly speculation on my part, but I’m pretty comfortable throwing out for your consideration).

So my thinking is that the E-Business Suite will emphasize innovation in business functionality while Fusion Applications will emphasize technical innovation. If I’m right, soon Oracle customers will each have the opportunity to choose for themselves.

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