Thursday, September 11, 2014

Full Disclosure

Over the next few weeks, I'll be sharing plenty of information relating to Oracle OpenWorld.  Mostly on this blog or via my Twitter account (@fteter).  As always, I try to share information in an accurate and a positive way.  I'm an Oracle fan, but I always try to balance that with accuracy and honesty.  In that spirit, it's important for me to make some disclosures about my attendance at OOW14.

I'm attending on "The King's Shilling".  Oracle generously covers travel costs for Oracle ACE Directors attending OOW and JavaOne, and I'm fortunate enough to be included in that community.  In addition, I've received a complimentary press pass to both OOW and JavaOne.  Yes, I am very appreciative - I freely admit that I'm a lucky guy in this regard.

Does Oracle's magnanimous funding of my OOW attendance buy them influence in regards to my opinions?  No.  And, so far as I can tell, Oracle has no expectations of influencing my opinions with their funding.  In fact, it's usually just the opposite - they've encouraged me to be honest in my opinions.  Frankly, I think they'd boot my big bottom out of the conference and ACE Director program if I were anything but honest in my opinions.

So I'll continue to be honest in sharing information relating to OOW14.  But, in the interests of transparency and fairness, I thought ya'all should be aware of the relationship.

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